Album: Satellite SF w/ Jerry Bonham & Naveen G - 09/20/06 Jerry Bonham (Bedrock, Saw, Spundae, Denver) & Naveen G (Yoshitoshi, M-Theory, NYC) guest the LoveFest opening party with resident Scott Carrelli. (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]Last change: 09/25/06
Contains: 55 items. Viewed: 4896 times.
Album: Satellite SF w/ Clare Large - 09.13.06 Clare Large (UK), Scott Carrelli, Kevin Knapp, & [e] (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]Last change: 09/25/06
Contains: 46 items. Viewed: 3660 times.
Album: Satellite SF w/ Ricky Ryan - 06/21/06
Ricky Ryan aka Can Costa (Argentina) returns to SatelliteSF for a night of bouncing good music. (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]Last change: 09/25/06
Contains: 32 items. Viewed: 3848 times.
Album: Adult Swim at Bambudda Lounge - 09/10/06 Claude Von Stroke, Scott Carrelli, Kevin Knapp and [e] Sunday afternoon. (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Bambudda Lounge]Last change: 09/25/06
Contains: 70 items. Viewed: 4982 times.
Album: Satellite SF @ Anu - 09/06/06 With Guests JZ & David Chung (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]Last change: 09/25/06
Contains: 44 items. Viewed: 3441 times.
Album: Satellite w/ Demi (UK) - 08/23/06 Demi, Kuze & resident Scott Carrelli (Pics by Scott Carrelli [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]Last change: 08/24/06
Contains: 60 items. Viewed: 4741 times.
Album: Satellite Wednesdays w/ Michael Anthony - 08/16/06 SatelliteSF presents Michael Anthony (Late Night Sneaky, SupperClub) & Scott Carrelli in a special Aids Marathon Benefit (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]Last change: 08/24/06
Contains: 25 items. Viewed: 3464 times.
Album: SatelliteSF with Paolo Mojo • Aug 9th 2006 Paolo Mojo (Balance 009, Pryda, UK) Tom Sullivan & Scott Carrelli. Hsiao-wen's birthday. (Happy Birthday HS!) (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]Last change: 08/14/06
Contains: 75 items. Viewed: 5458 times.
Album: SatelliteSF • Locals Only - 08/02/06 Local DJs Kevin Knapp, Jondi & Syd Gris (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]Last change: 08/03/06
Contains: 62 items. Viewed: 4611 times.
Album: James Lavelle (UNKLE) & Scott Carrelli @ SatelliteSF 06/21/06 Music pioneer, Mo' Wax record label owner and Man from Unkle, James Lavelle returns to SatelliteSF with resident Scott Carrelli. Opening set by Tom Sullivan. (Pics by Scott Carrelli & Mark Rahmani) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]
Last change: 06/23/06
Contains: 87 items. Viewed: 5983 times.
Album: Satellite SF w/ Akio & David Chung - 06/14/06 Guests: Akio (Hawaii) & David Chung @ SatelliteSF (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]
Last change: 06/23/06
Contains: 78 items. Viewed: 5470 times.
Album: SatelliteSF w/ Nosmo (Chicago) - 06/07/06 The artist formerly know as Grayarea, Nosmo vs. Carrelli tag team. Opening set by Hyper D. (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]
Last change: 06/11/06
Contains: 82 items. Viewed: 5697 times.
Album: Deepak Sharma (NYC) - 05/31/06 Deepak Sharma (Hidden, NYC) and Carrelli tag team. (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Anu]Last change: 06/11/06
Contains: 29 items. Viewed: 3581 times.
Album: Jeno & Kuze @ SatelliteSF - 05/24/06 San Francisco house legend Jeno (Wicked) treats the city to a special mid-week show at Anu. Kuze (Still Doin' It) sets the pace for the night. (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]Last change: 06/11/06
Contains: 46 items. Viewed: 3791 times.
Album: JAMES HOLDEN @ SatelliteSF - 05/03/06 Satellite SF w/ James Holden & resident Scott Carrelli (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Intimate Anu]Last change: 02/13/07
Contains: 90 items. Viewed: 7580 times.
Album: Spesh & Scott Carrelli tag team 04/26/06 Spesh/Carrelli tag team. Opening set by Walter Batler. (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]Last change: 04/30/06
Contains: 41 items. Viewed: 3652 times.
Album: Suburban - 04/12/06 SatelliteSF presents Dubcoast Records artist Suburban (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Anu]Last change: 04/30/06
Contains: 59 items. Viewed: 4680 times.
Album: Steve Porter & Andy Slate - 04/19/06 SatelliteSF w/ Steve Porter, Andy Slate, & Scott Carrelli (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]Last change: 04/21/06
Contains: 94 items. Viewed: 7227 times.
Album: Lostep (Luke Chable & Phil K) - 04/14/06 SatelliteSF and Drive bring Lostep to San Francisco with DJs: Luke Chable, Phil K, Scott Carrelli & Will Spencer (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Club Six]Last change: 04/17/06
Contains: 56 items. Viewed: 4571 times.
Album: Hoj vs. Carrelli - 04/04/06 This week's Satellite SF featured the Prince of Persia vs. The Italian
Stallion. A very special 4 hour tag team with Hoj. (Opel) vs. Scott Carrelli (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pictures @ Intimate Anu]Last change: 07/08/07
Contains: 111 items. Viewed: 6293 times.
Album: Satellite SF - 03/15/06 SatelliteSF w/ Mike Miller (3 Beat UK), Neil Evans (Nascent Records UK) & Nathan Vain (Pics by Scott Carrelli) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]Last change: 03/21/06
Contains: 36 items. Viewed: 3653 times.
Album: SatelliteSF w/ In House Records - 03/01/06 SatelliteSF at intimate Anu w/ DJS Leonard, Naz (In House Records) & Scott
Carrelli [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]Last change: 03/02/06
Contains: 60 items. Viewed: 5708 times.