Album: Monday Social LA 02.09.06 Carrelli & Taylor at Monday Social Los Angeles Last change: 01/16/06
Contains: 16 items. Viewed: 2362 times.
Album: Lofted-Dan Orsine's Private loft party with Spesh and Carrelli on the decks. Last change: 01/16/06
Contains: 89 items. Viewed: 6848 times.
Album: Scott's birthday pics 09/30/05 Several random birthday parties with friends and dad. Last change: 10/17/05
Contains: 56 items. Viewed: 4740 times.
Album: Love Parade San Francisco Anu float with Lee Burridge, Desyn Masiello, Scott Carrelli Last change: 01/16/06
Contains: 21 items. Viewed: 2351 times.
Album: Felix Da Housecat 04/02/05 Felix Da Housecat, Scott Carrelli, Jeffrodisiac, and Rooz at Mezzanine. Last change: 01/16/06
Contains: 17 items. Viewed: 2778 times.
Album: (((Satellite))) Steve Porter - 03/02/05
As a special birthday treat Kevin will be spinning the first hour of the Steve Porter show @ anu. [Pictures from this night have been merged with the main Satelli SF @ Anu archives. Click here to see the pictures]
Viewed: 1734 times.
Album: A-TEAM (Heroes of the Underground) @ Mezzanine - 01/21/05
w/ DJs: Tung (Brasstax) / Benchun (False Profit) / Forest Green (Sister SF) / Dragn'fly (Lovetribe) / Dano (Red Melon) / JZ (Red Melon) / Jeffrey Allen (Fastvibes) / Farmboy (Nutbass Records) [Pictures from this night have been merged with the main Mezzanine SF archives. click here to see the pictures]
Viewed: 1886 times.
(((Satellite))) Sean Cusick w/ Scott Carrelli - 10/06/04
A very special night with Sean Cusick (Bedrock, Twilo, Second Hand Satellites)
[Pictures from this night have been merged with the main Sattelite SF archives. click here to see the pictures] [San Francisco Party Pics @ Anu]
Viewed: 2732 times.
Album: Black Sea Coast Romania Beach recovery day after two all night gigs on the coast. Last change: 10/11/04
Contains: 55 items. Viewed: 6233 times.