Ansuya, Bellydance Superstar 
Highlight for Album: Salon Ansuya- Sunday, July 8th
Album: Salon Ansuya- Sunday, July 8th

A few pics of mine and more coming soon from Michael Baxter. The show featured students of the Ansuya Comprehensive including: Amethyst of Pitsburgh, Dalila Jasmin, Erica Lingrell, Erin Harper, Gina Grandi, Kiore, Lia Medina, Shana Subelsky Melissa Scott, Salena, Sakina, Shana Driscoll, Tsukuyomi (all the way here from Japan!!) Troupe Dance Journey, Guest Artists: The amazing and super accomplished Hannah Romanza/ Black Sheep Belly Dance/ Ansuya and Ozzy!! With DJS DJ CRUZ DJ Amar at Club Mighty!
Last change: 07/10/07
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 2946 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya Comprehensive San Francisco Graduates
Album: Ansuya Comprehensive San Francisco Graduates

Graduates of the class of 2007 Ansuya Comprehensive Program at the San Francisco Dance Center - Sunday, July 8th, 2007. It was such a wonderful and fun series, I loved everyone so much.
Last change: 10/25/09
Contains: 44 items.
Viewed: 3812 times.

Highlight for Album: Photos taken by Michael Baxter of Ansuya's June 17th Salon celebrating tribal fusion guest artist
Album: Photos taken by Michael Baxter of Ansuya's June 17th Salon celebrating tribal fusion guest artist

These pics are coming soon! They should have been posted sooner, but I screwed up and got a dell instead of a mac which crashed, so that is why the delay. More soon!
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 7 items.
Viewed: 2568 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya's May Student Salon, celebrating the bellymommys of our community!
Album: Ansuya's May Student Salon, celebrating the bellymommys of our community!

For Mother'Day 2007, we celebrate womens oldest known dance form, BELLYDANCE featuring some of the most famous bellydancers in the United States and perhaps the world over. This evening we celebrate not only our mothers but dancers whose styles continue to inspire and enable us to become better dancers within oureselves, and are really some of the super goddessess of the bellydance realm: Fat Chance Bellydance, THE mothers of Tribal Style Belly Dance/ Malia, her roots go way back to Bal Anat!/ Ma*Shuqa, mother to us all in Cabaret styles and more Kalila, special out of town guest artist!/ With student dancers of the Ansuya Comprehensive Program: Feliz/ Jennifer Shaw/ Kristin Wilson/ Laury Robirosa/ Natalie/ Nicole Gitcho/ Veronica Avery/ DJS: AMAR/ RICHIE RICH/
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 47 items.
Viewed: 5041 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya Salon: Sunday, April 8, San Francisco
Album: Ansuya Salon: Sunday, April 8, San Francisco

Student show with Ansuya, bellydance Superstar, as part of the Ansuya Comprehensive Program in San Francisco. Featuring special guest artist ***TURBO TABLA***, Hala / Crystal Silmi, With student dancers: Allison, Aviva, Cat, Ceana, Dalila Jasmine, Dayna & Rana, Freyja & Jennifer Faust, Holly Gibson, Morgan Masri, Mina,
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 89 items.
Viewed: 5456 times.

Album: Ansuya February 2007 Showcase

pics of the show coming in the near future
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 2 items.
Viewed: 2302 times.

Highlight for Album: Michael Baxter's Pics of Ansuya Show & Student Salon 1.14.07
Album: Michael Baxter's Pics of Ansuya Show & Student Salon 1.14.07

Photos by Michael Baxter of the Ansuya Student Salon & Show. More pics coming soon. Thanks to Mark of for hosting these pics and Michael Baxter for taking them. xoxo
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 176 items.
Viewed: 13735 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya Student Salon & Show January 14, 2007
Album: Ansuya Student Salon & Show January 14, 2007

The first in a series for 2007 where students of the Ansuya Compmrehensive Program will strut their stuff followed by a full caberet performance by Superstar Ansuya and Ozzy on live tabla. Featuring: UNMATA/ Zahara ~2006 Queen of the Bay~/ Ahava ~2006 Queen of Raks Sharki~/ LISA/ & Kamille/ Freyja/ Danielle Inghram/ Ansuya/
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 74 items.
Viewed: 6001 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya12/10/2006- Indian Bellydance Fusion Workshop SHOW
Album: Ansuya12/10/2006- Indian Bellydance Fusion Workshop SHOW

Ansuya's Dec. Seminar on Indian/Bellydance Fusion in San Francisco Sunday, Dec. 10th. This show following the workshop features: Bast and Talulla Sulis Sarah White of Ultra Gypsy, Kalbeliya dance Sandra Summer with Scott Sterling on Drums with DJ Amar and DJ Richie Rich produced by Gina Grandi and Opel Productions for Ansuya Productions.
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 91 items.
Viewed: 7677 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya @ Rakkasah 2006, Photos by MICHAEL BAXTER and Gina G.
Album: Ansuya @ Rakkasah 2006, Photos by MICHAEL BAXTER and Gina G.

Ansuya at Rakkasah, 2006. Pictures taken by Michael Baxter.
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 191 items.
Viewed: 13103 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya in SF, 11/12/06
Album: Ansuya in SF, 11/12/06

Bellydance Superstar Ansuya with Elizabeth Strong, Mira Betz, Frederique and Kristin Mc Clanahan & Tanja Odzack of L'Anonyme Collective Sunday, Nov. 12 at Workspace Limited, 2150 Folsom. Post Gypsy Fusion Workshop Show by Opel Productions. (Pics by Gina G) [ALSO see Mark's Bellydance Pictures]
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 51 items.
Viewed: 8197 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya, one of the World's GREATEST bellydancers of all time,  in San Francisco!  June 2006
Album: Ansuya, one of the World's GREATEST bellydancers of all time, in San Francisco! June 2006

Pictures of the workshop and show by international bellydance senstation, master dancer, instructor and performer, ANSUYA! by Opel Productions.
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 3 items.
Viewed: 3548 times.

Highlight for Album: Ansuya in SF 11/08/03
Album: Ansuya in SF 11/08/03

Ansuya, "Bellydance Superstar", hot off the Lollapoluza tour was in San Francisco for a special one time performance. This dynamic and amazing performer danced at Pasha Restaurant, SF was lucky to see her! The show was awesome, she is already a legend. Where was the SF bellydance community? Ultra Gypsy showed the most love and support. Thanks to Suhaila as well., Thanks to everyone who came out!
Last change: 06/26/08
Contains: 52 items.
Viewed: 10162 times.

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