Album: Ultra Gypsy in "The Red Wagon: Creating the Wheel" 05.31.2008 arola Zertuche and Jill Parker of Zambra present "The Red Wagon: Creating the Wheel", an evening of bellydance and flamenco. Featuring the mad drama of theatre flamenco, the sensuous stylings of Ultra Gypsy (and students), Bay Area legend Malia de Felice, with musicians Paco Albiac & Roberto Aguilar. Last change: 08/18/08
Contains: 24 items. Viewed: 3792 times.
Album: Noveau Nights, Friday Night, 2007 Friday, March 16th
with live performances by
the big-stage debut of the new
Ultra Gypsy
in a major new piece
never-before-seen numbers by
bellydance superstar of the indigo
busting-out sensations
debut their kinky new circus act
Mira Betz
hot new licks from one hep chick
the west-coast debut of
Samantha Riggs
and her sexy scallywags
pioneering pirate bellydance
the world premiere of
in their provocative new production
Just Added:
Live Music Guest
performing for
Surprise Dance Act
definitely not to be missed!
Last change: 07/10/07
Contains: 25 items. Viewed: 5425 times.
Album: BAXTALO DROM 02-23-07 Ultra Gypsy presents BAXTALO DROM! at Amnesia in San Francisco, CA
It may have been fat tuesday but why stop there...the party's still on...let's call it Fat Friday!!
Come on down to a special little place called Amnesia and check out Ultra Gypsy's sexy fine gypsy punk dance night, Baxtalo Drom (The Lucky Road). We'll be shakin' it in style with intimate performances by The Brass Liberation Orchestra, The Fabulous unknowns...a great little band of zurnas and drummers, lead by Oz Ashkenazi, DJ Jef Leopard will have you shakin' the floorboards loose, Coutney Trouble and Jenna Riot perform as Double Trouble a fierce cavewoman stiptease, Barbary Coast Shakedown debuts a hot new choreography and as usual we've got a few surprises up our sleeve!
Get there early, stay late....Dress tight and get loose! Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 24 items. Viewed: 3435 times.
Album: Undulation 2006 Undulation is UG's signature show. I unfortunately got there right as they were about to go on, and there was no freaking way I could see anything, it was packed beyond packed. I had to practically throw a tantrum to get in, cause they were sold out. I am very sorry that I didn't get to see the show, I was traumatized. Coming from Rakkasah, I was stupid to think I could make it accross the bridge on a rainy night. Alas, there was a few shots i could get, but not nearly enough. Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 39 items. Viewed: 5109 times.
Album: Mad Style After Party Sunday, Feb 5, 2006 Mad Style After Party
at The Knockout (formerly the Odeon) in San Francisco, CA
Following an incredible day of workshops by two of the best teachers in the world, join amazing Amy Sigil of Unmata, mesmerizing Mira Betz, electrifying Liz Strong, the red-hot heat of Tribal Feat, the legendary Malia De Falice, and members of our own Ultra Gypsy Dance Theatre for an intimate party extraordinaire.
Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 84 items. Viewed: 6306 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy & The Spark LA Show 11/12/04 Ultra Gypsy/SF, Urban Tribal/SD, Desert Sin/LA, Subee Djinn/LA, Freyja/LA, Karice/LA and drumming by Redi De Fever perform at the Hollywood Silent Movie Theater in Los Angeles Friday, Nov. 12th for the Spark Tour LA. Pictures of behind the scenes and some performance shots of this fun night of modern, urban, tribal, progressive bellydance. Pics by Gina Grandi of Ultra Gypsy. Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 206 items. Viewed: 20418 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy at the How Weird Street Festival 05.01.05 Erin, Holly, Erica and Gina G were at How Weird Street Festival on the Anon Salon/ Opel Productions stage. We performed early, next year later so more people can see us! What a blast! Pictures by Nathan Vain, one of our favorite progressive trance djs, thanks Nathan! (and of course thanks to Mark of!) Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 78 items. Viewed: 7612 times.
Album: Undulation, An Ultra Gypsy fundraiser 2005 For 2 years now, a Rakkasah weekend extravaganza of Ultra Gypsy doing an unofficial Rakkasah after party/fundraiser to help this innovative troupe with costumes, workshops and more. This 2 night show was just awesome, and featured troupes picked by Jill Parker for their style, skill and daring. Photos by Gina Grandi and courtesy of Mark of Please feel free to make a donation to support this website via paypal! Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 2 items. Viewed: 4889 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy and students @ El Rio 02/10/05 A student show, students of Jill Parker perform at El Rio wtih a finale by Ultra Gypsy members Holly, Erin and Jill. Pics by Gina G Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 92 items. Viewed: 8141 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy at Deshret 01/16/05 Ultra Gypsy at El Rio, for the party Deshret- new coreography by Tanja, Kristin Wilson and Erica - a cute swoard piece to balkan music and amazing drum piece they spent a good amount of time working on and Jill did a very unique solo, check out her costume. Pics by Gina. Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 99 items. Viewed: 9972 times.
Album: Venice Beach, Saturday 11/13/04 A day at the Venice Beach and Tribal Bazaar, the best shop there with friends from Ultra Gypsy. Last change: 01/20/08
Contains: 69 items. Viewed: 5723 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy at El Rio 9/04 Ultra Gypsy performs at El Rio every month with DJ Soul Salaam for a fun evenging of tribal bellydance by one of the world's best Tribal Director's Jill Parker. Jill is my teacher has dedicated her entire life to the pursuit of bellydance, what better teacher could one have if you live in SF and want Tribal? Come out and see the show and even get a free lesson at 9:30! Pics by Gina Grandi, Ultra Gypsy. Last change: 03/27/08
Contains: 37 items. Viewed: 5709 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy at El Rio 11/04/04 and Sammy's Birthday Ultra Gypsy performs the 1st Thursday of the month at El Rio, look at the new style! Also Sammy our sole male troupe member's birthday party with UG friends. Photos by Gina Grandi. Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 118 items. Viewed: 7984 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy film shoot some random shots of Ultra Gypsy folks from the filming of our trance dance Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 74 items. Viewed: 7439 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy at Amira on 5-26 and El Rio on 5-27-14 Ultra Gypsy, presents fabulous bellydancing at Amira on Valencia in the Mission on Wednesdays then the last Thursday of the month, at El Rio, Arabian Nights and Future Juju present Deshret (meaning red in Arabic like the sands of the desert), a night of Arabic breakbeat, drum n bendir, darbouka hip hop, persian verion and sounds of the eastern mystic with dj SoulSalaam, Jill Parker and Ultra Gypsy and Djun Djun. Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 109 items. Viewed: 8554 times.
Album: Ultra Gypsy at Amira & El Rio July 28&29 2004 Ultra Gypsy performs the last Thursday of the Month at El Rio with dj Soul Salaam (who rocks) and weekly at Amira Restaurant on Valencia in the Mission in SF. Pics of certain members of the Company (there are a lot of us). Photos by Gina Grandi, Kristin Wilson and Sabine Love. Last change: 07/09/07
Contains: 148 items. Viewed: 10434 times.