2 0 0 4 
Result of 4 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Sure youre taking a picture of Eddy & Justin (whats that in the background_BAD BOYS) - 2 voters (5.00) BAR
(2) Can you see him rick!? - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(3) Creme eyes! boys are crazy & bored - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
To vote for an image, click on Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average or Poor. You MUST click on Vote for your vote to be recorded. You can change your votes later, if you wish.
Viewed: 789 times.

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Viewed: 784 times.

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Viewed: 786 times.

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Viewed: 751 times.

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Viewed: 737 times.

you LIKE...you VOTE
Viewed: 711 times.

you LIKE...you VOTE
Viewed: 729 times.

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Viewed: 760 times.

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Viewed: 831 times.

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Eddy's such a poser!
Eddy's such a poser!
Viewed: 829 times.

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That looks so funny!
That looks so funny!
Viewed: 811 times.

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The boys ready to hit the GoKarts
The boys ready to hit the GoKarts
Viewed: 838 times.

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The kinda look like ninja outfits tho
The kinda look like ninja outfits tho
Viewed: 857 times.

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What?...lil ces is driving?
What?...lil ces is driving?
Viewed: 859 times.

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Rick showin off his bday present that me and eddy gave!
Rick showin off his bday present that me and eddy gave!
Viewed: 886 times.

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EJ and his hard core pose
EJ and his hard core pose
Viewed: 850 times.

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....and continues the whole night
....and continues the whole night
Viewed: 780 times.

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DRUNKS in love (...the saga continues)
DRUNKS in love (...the saga continues)
Viewed: 827 times.

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DRUNKS in love
DRUNKS in love
Viewed: 809 times.

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Do we all love posing w/ the knocked out ones everytime!?
Do we all love posing w/ the knocked out ones everytime!?
Viewed: 859 times.

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Rick messin around
Rick messin around
Viewed: 844 times.

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knocked out after one hour! ..and he still has his phone in his hand
knocked out after one hour! ..and he still has his phone in his hand
Viewed: 848 times.

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Lil Ces tryin to look like Urkel
Lil Ces tryin to look like Urkel
Viewed: 974 times.

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thats just weird!
thats just weird!
Viewed: 1011 times.

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