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Eddy all set to eat! He was soooo hungry he was punchin the walls
Viewed: 1650 times.
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I swear babes always has to look hard!
Viewed: 1536 times.
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Look @ that Cheesy ass smile.
Viewed: 1562 times.
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The after dinner shot
Viewed: 1535 times.
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I wished someone woulda pushed him in! (jk..i love you babe!)
Viewed: 1536 times.
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This is wat happens when you dont know how to eat a CREPE! (close up on eddys mouth! .. remind u of something!?)
Viewed: 1506 times.
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The Ladies
Viewed: 1510 times.
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The Fellas
Viewed: 1533 times.
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Rich & Rosalyn
Viewed: 1551 times.
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Eddy & Jes
Viewed: 1568 times.
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Rick & Karen
Viewed: 1555 times.
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Joe & Buck
Viewed: 1514 times.
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2nd dates_Eddy & Buck
Viewed: 1565 times.
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2nd dates_Joe & Karen
Viewed: 1510 times.
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2nd dates_Rick & Ros
Viewed: 1519 times.
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2nd dates_Rich & Jes
Viewed: 1615 times.
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Eddy is just SILLY with that ribbon he made as a bow tie!
Viewed: 1549 times.
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The after party! Talk about Old Fohgies
Viewed: 1511 times.
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Our key to go home! and Eddy and Rick tryin to be one of those statues in the mini golf courses
Viewed: 1524 times.
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me and karen in the picture booth
Viewed: 1731 times.
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