Result of 2 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) and there she goes, fallin off her chair! - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(2) just beautiful - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
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Highlight for Album: PREP TIME

its hard work tryin to throw a party on a budget...but we managed to pull it off!!
Last change: 06/26/08
Contains: 14 items.
Viewed: 2469 times.

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the table setting
the table setting
Viewed: 1443 times.

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just beautiful
just beautiful
Viewed: 1303 times.

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Viewed: 1304 times.

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our hors d'oeuvres tables (yes i spelled it right)
our hors d'oeuvres tables (yes i spelled it right)
Viewed: 1359 times.

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our bar area
our bar area
Viewed: 1343 times.

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the food all ready to go
the food all ready to go
Viewed: 1352 times.

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the visitors come early
the visitors come early
Viewed: 1351 times.

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anette and me preparing food
anette and me preparing food
Viewed: 1392 times.

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our waiters for the night
our waiters for the night
Viewed: 1338 times.

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everyone all settled down in their seats watching our slideshow on the wall
everyone all settled down in their seats watching our slideshow on the wall
Viewed: 1374 times.

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table number ONE (the party crew)
table number ONE (the party crew)
Viewed: 1344 times.

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tables TWO and THREE
tables TWO and THREE
Viewed: 1222 times.

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table THREE
table THREE
Viewed: 1274 times.

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the hardworkers!
the hardworkers!
Viewed: 1367 times.

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w/ ros
w/ ros
Viewed: 1358 times.

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the ladiez by our lovely tree
the ladiez by our lovely tree
Viewed: 1330 times.

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the guys and their gestures
the guys and their gestures
Viewed: 1305 times.

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ladiez on the chairs
ladiez on the chairs
Viewed: 1355 times.

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fellaz on the chairs
fellaz on the chairs
Viewed: 1358 times.

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me and babes
me and babes
Viewed: 1316 times.

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paul and lisa
paul and lisa
Viewed: 1306 times.

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alvin and anette
alvin and anette
Viewed: 1184 times.

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karen and rick
karen and rick
Viewed: 1172 times.

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