Super Diamond and Richard Cheese 

Brian and I saw Super Diamond at the Great American Music Hall on the day after Halloween. They rock some Neil Diamond!!! Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine opened.

Super Diamond 01
Super Diamond 01
Viewed: 1470 times.

Super Diamond 002
Super Diamond 002
Viewed: 1425 times.

Super Diamond 003
Super Diamond 003
Viewed: 1167 times.

Super Diamond 004
Super Diamond 004
Viewed: 1169 times.

Super Diamond 005
Super Diamond 005
Viewed: 1194 times.

Super Diamond 006
Super Diamond 006
Viewed: 1174 times.

Super Diamond 007
Super Diamond 007
Viewed: 1179 times.

Super Diamond 008
Super Diamond 008
Viewed: 1204 times.

Super Diamond 009
Super Diamond 009
Viewed: 1463 times.

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