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Result of 5 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Daisy and Jon - 5 voters (2.80) BAR
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Adrian, Jon, Dante
Adrian, Jon, Dante
Viewed: 1678 times.

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Adrian, Mark, Droop
Adrian, Mark, Droop
Viewed: 1552 times.

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Jon, Dante & his dog when it was a pup, and me standing in front of Dantes house!
Jon, Dante & his dog when it was a pup, and me standing in front of Dantes house!
Viewed: 1646 times.

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Solo of Dante (Droop) and his Dog
Solo of Dante (Droop) and his Dog
Viewed: 1581 times.

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Adrian & Me
Adrian & Me
Viewed: 1578 times.

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Rachelle and Droop
Rachelle and Droop
Viewed: 1785 times.

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Daisy and Jon
Daisy and Jon
Viewed: 2306 times.

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