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This was on my bathroom wall...ITS HAIR!! (i just had to take this pic)
Viewed: 1742 times.
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wow so cool
Viewed: 1612 times.
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so funnieeZ
Viewed: 1696 times.
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my finger puppet is sOo cute!
Viewed: 1676 times.
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after only a laptop is broken!
Viewed: 1691 times.
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I love these hearts all over SF!
Viewed: 1676 times.
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HATED ON...Someone shot Eddys car window w/ a BB Gun
Viewed: 1714 times.
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SBC Park
Viewed: 1739 times.
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temper temper!
Viewed: 1901 times.
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<3 Paul LoDuca <3 bendin ova! Too bad my zooms not that good!
Viewed: 1801 times.
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Die Hard SF Giants Fans!
Viewed: 1742 times.
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ITCHIRO (coulda been a clear one but he just had to move!)
Viewed: 1877 times.
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Dead Whale washed ashore on Ocean Beach 7/21/03
Viewed: 1837 times.
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Whales Tale
Viewed: 1846 times.
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Badly Cut Up
Viewed: 1836 times.
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Pretty Butterfly @ the family camping trip
Viewed: 1857 times.
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Viewed: 1844 times.
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