Mighty Clubbing 
Highlight for Album: Another DRAGNET - 08/19/05
Album: Another DRAGNET - 08/19/05

Our chance to get our favorite male DJs to tag team with us in drag. Men DJing in dresses. An annual event. Line-up for SISTER SF’s 8th Annual Infamous Drag Event! Amber vs Syd Gris (Opel/Opulent Temple) Audio Angel vs Frogger (Breakthru) Forest Green vs Spesh (Qool) J-Fi vs Tonic (Mayonnaise) Melyss vs Smoove (Space Cowboys) Polywog vs Count Marcele Queen Agnes B. vs DJ Seven (Lo-rise) Samira vs Murphstar (SEISMIC) Seraphim vs Richie Panic (Frisco Disco) special guest: Miss Kitty on the mic! (Pics by Mariell) [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Mighty]
Last change: 07/22/06
Contains: 38 items.
Viewed: 3577 times.

Highlight for Album: D:Fuse @ Mighty - 07/29/05
Album: D:Fuse @ Mighty - 07/29/05

D:Fuse is taking the live DJ concept to a whole new level. the show featured a D:Fuse's signature full percussion setup and also featured DJ/Producer mike hiratzka on guitar, bass, and keyboards. mics were mounted around the room to record crowd noise and people attending were photographed to appear in the cd. w/ DJ ROUZBEH / D:Fuse / AJ Medina / Clark Hamon / shOOey (Deep End) / Layne Loomis [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Mighty]
Last change: 02/21/06
Contains: 39 items.
Viewed: 4936 times.

Highlight for Album: Scorpio Ball "The Orient Express" - 11/20/04
Album: Scorpio Ball "The Orient Express" - 11/20/04

The 5th Annual Scorpio Ball w/ Cheb i Sabbah (six degrees) / Lorin (bassnectar) / Chris Sia (infinite kaos) / Random Rab (xalex) / Neptune (spiritual technology) / Moondoggy (yoga tai-chi) / CB (yoga tai-chi) (Pics by Erica - if you have additional pictures that you would like to contribute please email us) [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Mighty]
Last change: 02/21/06
Contains: 72 items.
Viewed: 7994 times.

Highlight for Album: Newsbreakz HEARTBREAKZ @ Mighty - 02/11/05
Album: Newsbreakz HEARTBREAKZ @ Mighty - 02/11/05

w/ [Liquor in the Front] AN EXCLUSIVE APPEARANCE BY DONGER!!! / *Patricio (Los Angeles Breakbeat Investors Association) / *kapt n kirk with Mancub on the scratch deck (Space Cowboys) / With the Newsbreakz staph: *Smoove / *Donna Matrix / *Pia D. / [Poker in the Back] Ripple vs. Maebyn (Subscience) / Ooah the Turntablist (LABiA) vs. Dorfex Bos [San Francisco Underground Clubbing Pics @ Mighty]
Last change: 02/21/06
Contains: 273 items.
Viewed: 20622 times.

Highlight for Album: After the Love @ Mighty - 10-02-04
Album: After the Love @ Mighty - 10-02-04

w/ DJ Friendly (Fat) / Kid Beyond / Space Cowboys & the UNIMOG / Murphstar (SEISMIC) / BenChun (False Profit) / Brett Pinkin (Biohazard) / Tyler Reed (Grand Champion Sound) / Samira (Sister SF) / Nick Allen (SEISMIC) / Shizzla vs. Alibi (House of Lotus) / Captain Morris (SEISMIC) [San Francisco Love Parade After-Party Pics @ Mighty]
Last change: 05/25/08
Contains: 62 items.
Viewed: 6437 times.

Album: Mighty Breaks - 03/18/05
Mighty Breaks featuring Opel and Aranji.  w/ Ethan Miller, Smoove, Syd Gris, Hoj, Barefoot, Jeff Richmond, J:Miah, & Reid Oda [CLICK to see these nightlife pics] [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Mighty]
Album: Mighty Breaks - 03/18/05
Mighty Breaks featuring Opel and Aranji. w/ Ethan Miller, Smoove, Syd Gris, Hoj, Barefoot, Jeff Richmond, J:Miah, & Reid Oda [CLICK to see these nightlife pics] [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Mighty]
Viewed: 2073 times.

Album: Spundae, Best Club of US Award Party (Miami Winter Music Conference) @ Mighty - 03/30/05
To help celebrate Spundae winning Best Club Night in the country at the Winter Music Conference International Dance Music Awards last week, Armin van Buuren, with Opening set by Syd Gris (Opel). [CLICK to see pictures from this party]
Album: Spundae, Best Club of US Award Party (Miami Winter Music Conference) @ Mighty - 03/30/05
To help celebrate Spundae winning Best Club Night in the country at the Winter Music Conference International Dance Music Awards last week, Armin van Buuren, with Opening set by Syd Gris (Opel). [CLICK to see pictures from this party]
Viewed: 1919 times.

Highlight for Album: Mighty 1yr Anniversary Party - 12/02/04
Album: Mighty 1yr Anniversary Party - 12/02/04

Free 1 year anniversary party w/ open bar from 9pm-11pm. w/ Murphstar (SEISMIC) / Brad Robinson (Space Cowboys) / Donna Matrix (News Breakz) / Benchun (False Profit) / Smoove (Space Cowboys) / Adam Ohana (An-ten-nae) / Laird (Psychofunkodiscodelic) / Said (Atmosfere / Full Circle) / Ryel K (Pink Mammoth) / Syd (Opel) / Manny Ward (Twisted Rec. NYC) / Barefoot (Aranji) (pics by Mark & Gina) [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Mighty]
Last change: 02/21/06
Contains: 210 items.
Viewed: 15962 times.

Album: G.A.B.A. M.O.O.D. - 07/30/04
The return of GABA MOOD: the good trance party. At Mighty. With Dragn'fly, Scott Carrelli, Syd Gris, Faux Q, Nathan Vain. [CLICK to see these nightlife pics] [San Francisco Clubbing Pics]
Album: G.A.B.A. M.O.O.D. - 07/30/04
The return of GABA MOOD: the good trance party. At Mighty. With Dragn'fly, Scott Carrelli, Syd Gris, Faux Q, Nathan Vain. [CLICK to see these nightlife pics] [San Francisco Clubbing Pics]

Viewed: 1835 times.

Album: Pre-Love Parade w/ Marco V - 10/01/04
Spundae & Opel present.. an official pre-party for Love Parade SF w/ Dirtyhertz aka Reza / Taj / Marco V (Pics by Mark R & Gina G) [CLICK to see nightlife pictures from this party] [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Mighty]
Album: Pre-Love Parade w/ Marco V - 10/01/04
Spundae & Opel present.. an official pre-party for Love Parade SF w/ Dirtyhertz aka Reza / Taj / Marco V (Pics by Mark R & Gina G) [CLICK to see nightlife pictures from this party] [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Mighty]
Viewed: 2058 times.

Album: Opulent Temple Fundraiser - 04/03/04
With the best of progressive trance to raise crucial funds to support the Opulent Temple, a Burning Man camp 2004. w/ space travelers: Jerry Bonham (SAW Recordings / Looq) / Dragn'fly (Epiphany / Teknique) / Syd Gris (Opel / Infuse) / Brian Checkoway (Fogdin) / John Schiffer (UBT / Lost Tribe) [CLICK to see these clubbing pictures] [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Mighty]
Album: Opulent Temple Fundraiser - 04/03/04
With the best of progressive trance to raise crucial funds to support the Opulent Temple, a Burning Man camp 2004. w/ space travelers: Jerry Bonham (SAW Recordings / Looq) / Dragn'fly (Epiphany / Teknique) / Syd Gris (Opel / Infuse) / Brian Checkoway (Fogdin) / John Schiffer (UBT / Lost Tribe) [CLICK to see these clubbing pictures] [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Mighty]
Viewed: 2655 times.

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