Album: Opel Halloween : Night of the Living Bass
- 10/27/12 MEAT KATIE (Lot 49, UK)
THE SCUMFROG (thescumfrog.com)
Syd Gris (Opel / Opulent Temple)
Kramer (DISTRIKT / djkramer.com)
Alain Octavo (Spundae)
Vinkalmann (Opulent Temple)
With Dex Stakker (Opel / Opulent Temple)
Matt Kramer (DISTRIKT)
Melyss (Opel / Home Breakin' Records)
DJ Hil (Yerba Bueno Disco)
Dr. Whiskers (Strategik)
Kimba (djKimba.com / ReFreshed)
Grammar (Opulent Temple)
Everett Wayne (EverettWayne.com)
Megowan (ZEROdb)
+ much [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Mighty]Last change: 10/29/12
Contains: 122 items. Viewed: 22605 times.
Album: Opel Anniversary 10 year part 2 @ Mighty - 03/03/12 With Felguk + Syd Gris,
Dex Stakker,
Josh Camacho,
Blix Cannon,
Cosmic Selector,
Drew Drop, & Mikey [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Mighty]Last change: 03/04/12
Contains: 171 items. Viewed: 25494 times.
Album: Opel 10 year anniversary party @ Mezzanine - 02/11/12 W/ Meat Katie,
Dylan Rhymes,
Syd Gris,
Ethan Miller,
& Spesh. Special Fashion Show, produced by Tamo & Silver Lucy : ‘Future Retro’ featuring local designers and performance. [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Mezzanine]
Last change: 02/14/12
Contains: 174 items. Viewed: 25559 times.
Album: Rites of Massive - 06/25/11 Opulent Temple's massive summer party at Treasure Island. With 6 Areas of Music. A mega spectacle to support a number of camps, artists, art cars, and performers to co-create an unforgettable night, and take a step towards the desert in 2011. [San Francisco Underground Clubbing Pictures]Last change: 06/27/11
Contains: 234 items. Viewed: 30371 times.
Album: Opulent Temple Sacred Dance fundraiser @ Bentley Reserve - 03/12/11 Opulent Temple presents Sacred Dance. :Featuring from the OT in the Main Hall::
Syd Gris
Dex Stakker
Dulce Vita
Billy Casazza
Jamie Lin
Brian Peek
::Side 'Red' Chamber::
Zach Moore (Space Cowboys)
Matt Kramer (Distrikt)
Jonboy (Freeform / Dubalicious)
Anthony James (Strategik)
::Opulent Chill Palace::
Alain Octavo (Spundae) (chill set)
Bill Samuels (Strategik | Nubreaks)
Durojaiye Versatile (TN2T)
~White Attire Requested~ [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Bently Reserve]Last change: 03/22/11
Contains: 197 items. Viewed: 29400 times.
Album: Opel Halloween : Night of the Living Bass - 10/30/10 With
Syd Gris,
Dex Stakker,
DJ Hil, Alain Octavo,
Billy Casazza, Seva, Ace, Gunz & Ammo, DJ Ina, RobJob, &
Schmidty [San Francisco Halloween Clubbing Pictures @ Mighty]Last change: 11/02/10
Contains: 119 items. Viewed: 19651 times.
Album: True Love Never Dies @ KMR - 10/02/10 An SF LovEvolution After Party Opel's continues it's Lovely tradition by bringing one of the finest offerings of the weekend. 4 rooms of music with a diverse line up with indoor and outdoor areas on the waterfront. Featuring the Opel debut of Calvertron + Tim Healey + local heroes Syd Gris, ICON, Alain Octavo, Melyss, Dex Stakker, Influence, Tek Freaks, ECQ, Pirata, Simple Greene, Bianca Dino, Dr. Whiskers, Sychosis, Ill DJ Chris B, Ground Control, & Ian Pearce [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ KMR]
Last change: 10/05/10
Contains: 216 items. Viewed: 28854 times.
Album: 'Thrust' @ Triple Crown - 07/23/10 Opel & Lee Coombs present 'Thrust'. Lee's SF residency party is back for a proper night of future sounding retro tech funk, acid, and analog warmness like only Lee can bring. Celebrating the return of the Thrust label as well, looking at a sweet night of music at the vibey Triple Crown. Lee is joined by Syd Gris & Melyss. [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures]Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 54 items. Viewed: 16149 times.
Album: Independence Wknd Party: The British Invasion @ KMR - 07/03/10 The British Invasion ! Featuring the kings of jack The Stanton Warriors Boowow ! Our annual all night summer bash brings us one of the biggest acts in breaks in the world (and musically they're so much more) to rock the water front at Mission Rock. We'll do our all out 4 rooms of eclectic vibe and take it to the sunrise. [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ KMR]Last change: 11/13/10
Contains: 236 items. Viewed: 27287 times.
Album: Opel & OT Holiday Party w/ Lee Coombs - 12/18/09
Lee Coombs is joined by Opulent Temple residents:
Syd Gris,
Cosmic Selector,
Dulce Vita,
Kat [San Francisco Underground Clubbing Pictures]Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 94 items. Viewed: 17675 times.