OPEL Productions & Opulent Temple 
Highlight for Album: DJ Hyper @ Paradise Lounge - 04/09/05
Album: DJ Hyper @ Paradise Lounge - 04/09/05

This UK breaks producer and DJ hasn't played a weekend in SF in years. Spundae has finally got him in town and he'll be rocking Paradise Lounge with some cutting edge break beat. Also in the mix were Jondi & Spesh, A:Dubl, Spivak, Jonathan Beech, and Samira [ALSO see (other user pics) Gina's Hyper @ Paradise Lounge Pics] [San Francisco Clubbing Pictures @ Paradise Lounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 155 items.
Viewed: 13715 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Fundraiser 03/25/05
Album: Opulent Temple Fundraiser 03/25/05

The camp will blow psyches to the extent the community can help make it happen. Here's a first step.... with... El Papachengo (El Circo) Laird (Get Yer Freak On / Lush Camp) Golidlox (djgoldilox.com / Brass Tax) Syd Gris (Opel / Opulent Temple) Deep Eddy (House of Lotus) Donna Matrix (Newsbreakz / Space Cowboys) Felix the Dog (Groundscore) 8 Ball (Space Cowboys) Laron (Psychofunkodiscodelic) Kevin Knapp (Opulent Temple / Momentum) Nathan Vain (Opulent Temple) [San Francisco Underground Clubbing Pics]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 95 items.
Viewed: 7665 times.

Highlight for Album: Mighty Breaks - 03/18/05
Album: Mighty Breaks - 03/18/05

Mighty Breaks featuring Opel and Aranji. Two crews joined Mighty's PHAT breaks monthly for a breaks party with the added twist of the diverse Opel and Aranji DJ's putting their unique spin of music on a breaks party. w/ Ethan Miller, Smoove, Syd Gris, Hoj, Barefoot, Jeff Richmond, J:Miah, & Reid Oda [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Mighty]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 92 items.
Viewed: 11404 times.

Highlight for Album: Opel 3 year Anniversary Event w/ Hybrid - 03/05/05
Album: Opel 3 year Anniversary Event w/ Hybrid - 03/05/05

Infuse : The Divine Mirror. With special guests -UK breaks producers Hybrid (dj set), + Michele Bass (LABA), Jerry Bonham, Syd Gris, Reza aka Dirtyhertz, Hoj, Shissla, John Schiffer, & Chris Sia. Midnight ceremony led by Julia Butterfly Hill [ALSO see (other user pics) Gina's Clubbing Pics] [San Francisco Underground Clubbing Pictures @ Terra]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 293 items.
Viewed: 30103 times.

Highlight for Album: On the 7th Day @ Paradise Lounge - 02/20/05
Album: On the 7th Day @ Paradise Lounge - 02/20/05

w/ Lorin, Jondi & Spesh, Patricio, Jonathan Ojeda, Laird, Smoove, Alibi, & Syd Gris [ALSO see (other user pics) Gina's Party Pics] [San Francisco clubbing Pictures @ Paradise Lounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 272 items.
Viewed: 25133 times.

Highlight for Album: The Rapture of Sensuelle - 01/29/05
Album: The Rapture of Sensuelle - 01/29/05

w/ Goldilox (djgoldilox.com / Brass Tax) / Smoove (Space Cowboys / Opel) / Syd Gris (Opel / Opulent Temple) / El Papa chango (El Circo) / Hoj (Opel / djhoj.com) / + music to chill to... Kashia (WOW Camp) / Primitive Groove & Snow Leopard (The Community) [ALSO see (other user pics) Gina's Pics] [San Francisco Underground Clubbing Pics @ 111 Townsend]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 143 items.
Viewed: 15800 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple CD Release Party @ Sublounge - 02/19/05
Album: Opulent Temple CD Release Party @ Sublounge - 02/19/05

The OT has the music from the playa for you! (Pics by Gina G) [San Francisco Party Pics @ Sublounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 120 items.
Viewed: 9792 times.

Album: Gabriel & Dresden @ Mezzanine - 01/28/05
Spundae and Opel present Josh Gabriel and David Dresden with a special all night set at Mezzanine  [Click to see pictures from the Gabriel & Dresden show]
Album: Gabriel & Dresden @ Mezzanine - 01/28/05
Spundae and Opel present Josh Gabriel and David Dresden with a special all night set at Mezzanine [Click to see pictures from the Gabriel & Dresden show]
Viewed: 3557 times.

Highlight for Album: GABA MOOD @ Sublounge 01/15/05
Album: GABA MOOD @ Sublounge 01/15/05

w/ Syd Gris, Cyber Joe, Jonathan Ojeda, Taj, Scottino, Kem, & Eddy Gordo (Pics by Gina G) [San Francisco Nightlife Pictures @ Sublounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 57 items.
Viewed: 10125 times.

Highlight for Album: Infuse: New Years Eve 2005
Album: Infuse: New Years Eve 2005

w/ (NYE) MAIN ROOM: Ellen Ferrato :: Goldilox :: Smoove :: Alibi :: Shizzler :: Anthony Garlic :: Sunder:: Shanti :::: UPSTAIRS: Jondi & Spesh :: Dragn'fly :: Syd Gris :: Dirtyhertz aka Reza :: Hoj (& NYD) Anthony Garlic :: :: Mike Giannini :: Sunil Kapadia :: Sattva [ALSO see (other user pics) Gina's Pics] [San Francisco New Years Eve/Day Clubbing Pictures @ Paradise Lounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 139 items.
Viewed: 18049 times.

Highlight for Album: Night of the Living Halloween Bash - 10/30/04
Album: Night of the Living Halloween Bash - 10/30/04

Night of the Living - An Underground Halloween bash w/ Heavyweight Dub Champion, Lorin, Adam Ohana (aka An*ten*ae) (Get Freaky), Laird (LUSH / In Funk We Trust), Scott Carrelli (Qool / Satellite), Kramer (djkramer.com / Deep End), Reza ~aka Dirtyhertz (Looq / Pangea), and Checkoway (Fogdin) [ALSO see (other user pics) Gina's Pics] [San Francisco Halloween Clubbing Pics @ Gingerbread Warehouse]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 277 items.
Viewed: 29763 times.

Highlight for Album: Hallowed Ground Halloween Bash - 10/30/04
Album: Hallowed Ground Halloween Bash - 10/30/04

Infuse: Hallowed Ground - An Overground Halloween bash w/ Gabriel & Dresden, Dragn'fly, Garth, Ellen Ferrato, Hoj, Tafner, & Sunder [San Francisco Halloween Clubbing Pics @ Paradise Lounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 137 items.
Viewed: 14342 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Recompression - 10/10/04
Album: Opulent Temple Recompression - 10/10/04

a totally unofficial Decompression after party with Aaron Pope (The Deep End) Syd Gris (Opulent Temple) Ryel K (Pink Mammoth) Kepi (LUSH) Shizzla (House of Lotus) Sunder (Sol System) Hoj(Opulent Temple) Geeno(Opulent Temple) Jax (Opulent Temple) + more [ALSO see (other user pics) Gina's Pics] [San Francisco Burningman Decompression After Party Pics @ Sublounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 73 items.
Viewed: 9279 times.

Highlight for Album: Spundae & Opel Love Parade after party - 10/02/04
Album: Spundae & Opel Love Parade after party - 10/02/04

w/ Talent: Sandra Collins : Hybrid : D:Fuse Sandra Collins : Hybrid (dj set) : DJ Icon : Syd Gris : Jonathan Ojeda : Hoj : Scott Carrelli : Goldilox : DJ Seven : Smoove : Fred Funk : Ryel K : Rooz : Alain Octavo : Shanti : Geeno : Snow Leopard : Damien [ALSO see (other user pics) Gina's Pics] [San Francisco Love Parade After-Party Pics @ Kelly's Mission Rock]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 284 items.
Viewed: 29154 times.

Album: Hernan Cattaneo in SF - 09/10/04Spundae & Opel presented... Hernan Cattaneo w/ opening Set By: Hoj meets Jeffrey Allen [Click here to see pictures from the Hernan Cattaneo show]
Album: Hernan Cattaneo in SF - 09/10/04
Spundae & Opel presented... Hernan Cattaneo w/ opening Set By: Hoj meets Jeffrey Allen [Click here to see pictures from the Hernan Cattaneo show]
Viewed: 3437 times.

Highlight for Album: Sublounge - 09/18/04
Album: Sublounge - 09/18/04

A Gathering of Dusty Friends: A Post Playa Fundraiser for the Opulent Temple. Sublounge. w/ M3, Smoove, Ryel K, Syd Gris, Hoj, Tamo, Jax, Nathan Vain, Kevin Knapp, & Ed Y [San Francisco Party Pics]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 53 items.
Viewed: 6653 times.

Album: Opulent Temple @ Burning Man 2004 w/ Scumfrog, D:Fuse, Hybrid, Stu Bradley, Syd Gris,  Smoove, Geeno, Ryel K, Spivak, IK Chris, Hoj, Adam Ohana, Jeffery Allen, Nathan Vain, Reza, Kramer, Damien, Kevin Knapp, Nathan Vain, DJ Raydeus [Click here to see pictures from the Opulent Temple @ Burning Man]
Album: Opulent Temple @ Burning Man 2004
w/ Scumfrog, D:Fuse, Hybrid, Stu Bradley, Syd Gris, Smoove, Geeno, Ryel K, Spivak, IK Chris, Hoj, Adam Ohana, Jeffery Allen, Nathan Vain, Reza, Kramer, Damien, Kevin Knapp, Nathan Vain, DJ Raydeus [Click here to see pictures from the Opulent Temple @ Burning Man]
Viewed: 3790 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Fundraiser w/ Sandra Collins - 08/07/04
Album: Opulent Temple Fundraiser w/ Sandra Collins - 08/07/04

burningman fundraiser w/ dj's: Sandra Collins, Syd Gris, Damien, Tung, Benchun, & Geno [ALSO see (other user pics) Trav's pics, Gina's pics, and Maritza's pics] [San Francisco Underground Clubbing Pictures]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 177 items.
Viewed: 21772 times.

Highlight for Album: G.A.B.A. M.O.O.D. - 07/30/04
Album: G.A.B.A. M.O.O.D. - 07/30/04

The return of GABA MOOD: the good trance party. At Mighty. With Dragn'fly, Scott Carrelli, Syd Gris, Faux Q, Nathan Vain. [San Francisco Clubbing Pics]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 71 items.
Viewed: 10091 times.

Highlight for Album: "The Answer" CD Release Party - 07/04/04
Album: "The Answer" CD Release Party - 07/04/04

Jondi & Spesh's "The Answer" CD Release Party w/ DJ's in main room: Raoul Kahn (raoulkahn.com / Hed Kandi) / Hoj (Opel / djhoj.com) / Jondi & Spesh (tag team set - Qool) / Kevin Knapp (Momentum / OT) / ...and upstairs: Smoove (Opel Productions / Space Cowboys) / Felix the Dog (Groundscore) / A:Dubl (Breatkthru) [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ The Paradise Lounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 149 items.
Viewed: 20085 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Roof-Raiser - 06/26/04
Album: Opulent Temple Roof-Raiser - 06/26/04

w/ LORIN (bassnectar.net), ADAM OHANA (Get Freaky), LAIRD (Lush / In Funk We Trust), KRAMER (Arrival / Release), SMOOVE (Space Cowboys / Opel), JONATHAN BEECH (Kinky Funk / jonathanbeech.com), SYD GRIS (Opel / Infuse / OT), JEFFREY ALLEN (Fastvibes / OT), RYEL K (Pink Mammoth), TYLER REED (Lost Tribe), BRIAN CHECKOWAY (Fogdin), TUHIN ROY (Red Melon), Nathan Vain (OT) (pics © Mark R & Gina G) [San Francisco Underground Clubbing Pictures]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 263 items.
Viewed: 24971 times.

Highlight for Album: G.A.B.A. M.O.O.D. - 06/12/04
Album: G.A.B.A. M.O.O.D. - 06/12/04

With: Taj (djtaj.com / Spundae) / Reza ~aka Dirty Hertz~ (Dorigen / Pangea / Looq) / Syd Gris (Opel / Infuse) / Faux Q (Platform) / Brian Checkoway (Fogdin) [San Francisco Clubbing Pics]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 143 items.
Viewed: 16210 times.

Highlight for Album: Infuse: A Tribal Odyssey @ Kelly's Mission Rock - 05/15/04
Album: Infuse: A Tribal Odyssey @ Kelly's Mission Rock - 05/15/04

w/ HOUSE: Ellen Ferrato (2nd Sunday/Sugar)...M3 (Green Gorrila)...Fred Funk (The Brass Tax/)...Melyss (Sister SF / Mayonnaise PROGRESSIVE: Spesh (from Jondi & Spesh/Qool)...Jonathan Ojeda (Spundae) Dragn'fly (Shaolin / Love Tribe) Syd Gris (Opel/ Infuse)... Hoj (Opel / djhoj.com) BREAKS: Laird (Get Yer Freak On)... Smoove (Space Cowboys / Opel) Tung (The Brass Tax)... Ben Chun (False - Profit), IKarus (Infinite Kaos) CHILL/DOWNTEMPO: Mx.D. (Bass City Rollers)... Tim Pratt (Opel/Garage Mahal)... Zack Darling (Decadence)... Swami (Raise the Frequency) ... Damien (The Community / Conexus) [ALSO see (other user pics to be merged later) Kat's sunrise pics, Gina's Pics, and Andrea's sunrise pictures] [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Kelly's Mission Rock]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 192 items.
Viewed: 25984 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Fundraiser - 4/30/04
Album: Opulent Temple Fundraiser - 4/30/04

Opulent Temple Fundraiser: Funky Space, @ Sublounge w/ DJ's Anthony Garlic (Green Gorilla), Smoove (Space Cowboys / Opel), Aaron Pope (Mixed Elements / Deep End), Shanti (Rhythm Society / Triple Power), Rhythmystic (Beatstream / Rhythm Society), Viajay (Delve / FnF), Clarkie (Deep End), Tamo, Murphstar, & Pia D. (pics © Gina G) [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Sublounge]
Last change: 10/04/10
Contains: 44 items.
Viewed: 7286 times.

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