Opulent Temple of Venus 
Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Parties
Album: Opulent Temple Parties

Opulent parties, with dj's such as Tiesto, Lorin, The Scumfrog, Lee Coombs, & Paul Oakenfold. Also with Deep Eddy, Ethan Miller v. Viajay, Didjital, Kepi & Kat, Tim Pratt, Tamo, Jive, Syd Gris, Rhythmystic, Billy Seal, Majitope, Alxndr, Patricio, Janaka, Murphstar, Smoove, Michele Bass, Laird, Chris Sia & Geeno, Jax, Aruna, Jeffrey Allen, Billy Cassaza, Nathan Vain, Jeff Richmond, Daniel Cain, Vinklemann, Clarkie , Layne Loomis, Kramer, Reza aka DirtyHertz, Ron E., Tuhin Roy, JZ, & Goldilox
Last change: 01/10/07
Contains: 383 items.
Viewed: 25067 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Performances
Album: Opulent Temple Performances

Pictures from a very special belly dance performance held at the Opulent Temple with performances by Danger Pants, Melodia, Wendy (Fat Chance Belly Dance), Meliza Wells (Bastet), Summer Evert(Hookadome), Kristina Kanizares and Scott Sterling on drums, Heidi and Jenn of Iron Rose and Nola from Scarab, Kaihea, DC Tribal, Angela Mae of Eternal Gypsy, Cabaret performance and Gina G. Also shots from misc fire dancers, etc.
Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 188 items.
Viewed: 15653 times.

Highlight for Album: Misc Opulent Temple Pictures
Album: Misc Opulent Temple Pictures

Miscellaneous Burning Man camp pictures from the Opulnet Temple of Venus
Last change: 01/08/07
Contains: 82 items.
Viewed: 9826 times.

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