Album: Opulent Temple of Venus By day: a full service salon for the goddesses of the playa, providing healing and intentional attention for mind, body, and spirit. By night: A full scale sound camp providing a space for sacred dance and opulent chilling to world class music. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 3 items. Viewed: 12874 times.
Album: The Deep End High Spirits, Deep Grooves. Originally formed in 2001 from a group of like-minded individuals who had a genuine love of banging house music, tasty cocktails, and dancing in the hot desert sunshine. Simply the best day party on the playa. Last change: 05/13/06
Contains: 176 items. Viewed: 18884 times.
Album: The Space Cowboys / Unimog They're the Space Cowboys.
The Space Cowboys from Burning Man?
The Black Rock Hoe Down?
You know, the Unimog?
Right, the people with orange RIPE logo on their butts.
Now in their tenth year, they celebrated their union and communion.
Yes, one more year out there, SOMEWHERE! They choose an art installation to gather at on Friday night and had their infamous Black Rock Hoe Down. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 46 items. Viewed: 8351 times.
Album: Art Cars A collection of pictures from the art cars spotted on the playa in 2005. Normally art cars are on the fringe and considered alternative and kooky. At Burning Man, however, art cars suddenly become cool, and more, they are integrated into the community and celebrated as part of the event's identity. The art car artist is thus made to feel more like a hero than a freak, a part of the inside instead of on the outside. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 52 items. Viewed: 7808 times.
Album: Black Rock City Residents Black Rock City citizens & denizens are of the bright and colorful variety. Misc shots from some of the more vivid personalities. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 114 items. Viewed: 14135 times.
Album: Burning Man Pictures from the torching of the iconic symbol that is Burning Man, sitting on top of the Funhouse. Also shots from the resulting festivities. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 124 items. Viewed: 10559 times.
Album: Carnival of Consciousness Funhouse This year the man stood upon a many-chambered maze, a carnival of consciousness housing a freak show of the self. Each interactive room contained an art installation indicating a different mood, a different mask; a different mode of being we assume as players in the masquerade that's called a personality. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 26 items. Viewed: 5933 times.
Album: Other Party Pictures from Black Rock City Burning Man at night is full of side by side party camps. These are a collection of misc party pictures from El Circo Dome, Green Gorilla, Friends & Family, House of Lotus, and more. Last change: 05/04/06
Contains: 66 items. Viewed: 10087 times.
Album: The Temple of Dreams @ Burning Man Burn & other pictures from the Temple of Dreams. Surrounded by a field altars and sarcophagi, this monumental shrine consecrated those people we have loved and lost to death – presences that linger on within our minds as more than memories, forever fresh, forever strange, as living parts of who we are. On Sunday evening, The Temple of Dreams, replete with every offering and message that participants contributed to this work of art, was set afire. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 72 items. Viewed: 7132 times.
Album: CENTER CAMP CAFÉ @ Burning Man The Café is a community driven adventure, from which a unique and colorful creation blooms every year. Members of this community travel from all over the world to the Black Rock Desert to create the Center Camp Café. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 7 items. Viewed: 3885 times.
Album: Hookahdome @ Burningman Gather your favorite open-minded & sparkling friends, and make yourself at home, in this intimate atmosphere of dance, communion, and luxury ...
Smolder with the fragrant incense of the sacred hookah, and spoil your senses with the seductive beauty of exotic performance art.
Dance with refreshing abandon to the musical sorcery of the DJ wizards.
Be surrounded by elegant beauty, intelligent creativity, and warm social energy -
Come fly with us on our Magic Carpet.
Hookahdome is candy for your soul. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 6 items. Viewed: 4294 times.
Album: Exodus Exodus is an exercise in patience and cooperation. After all, it takes a very long time to drain an ocean through a straw. The drive from Black Rock City can be interesting, with parties in the road, hugging between cars that are going bumper to bumper down the highway, etc. Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 115 items. Viewed: 8797 times.
Album: Burning Man 2005 User Pictures Links to pictures from various other photographers hosted on MV Galleries Last change: 04/28/06
Contains: 2 items. Viewed: 6295 times.