Highlight for Album: Christian Buhl IV's AWESOME BM PICS 2007
Album: Christian Buhl IV's AWESOME BM PICS 2007

My good friend Christian's pics of Burning Man, his 3rd time. He was camped with the Yaught Club and went wind surfing every day with Paulo and the Admiral.
Last change: 07/30/08
Contains: 126 items.
Viewed: 8477 times.

Highlight for Album: THE BURN

only a few pics, but my favorite one is the almost everyone and almost clear pic of the camp before walking out to the burn. didn't the burn take a long time this year? I felt I had ADD.
Last change: 09/23/07
Contains: 13 items.
Viewed: 2474 times.

Highlight for Album: Pretty Playa things
Album: Pretty Playa things

things on the playa, i didn't take even .02% of enough pictures. See other's though!
Last change: 09/23/07
Contains: 42 items.
Viewed: 4138 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Set up
Album: Opulent Temple Set up

Lots of pics of the dome project, which unfortunately didn't go up. Hard to even look at these pictures if you know what all went into it.oh well, we made good friends and bonded, go team!
Last change: 09/24/07
Contains: 167 items.
Viewed: 8416 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Fiestas
Album: Opulent Temple Fiestas

only a few shots of random Opulent Temple moments, thanks everyone for everything and the good times.
Last change: 11/12/07
Contains: 102 items.
Viewed: 6827 times.

Highlight for Album: Opulent Temple Strike
Album: Opulent Temple Strike

just a few shots, mostly at the very end documenting the hard cores who stayed until the end. Enormous amounts of hard work, energy and dust!
Last change: 09/23/07
Contains: 26 items.
Viewed: 4096 times.

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