Album: Red Bull Ascension 2004 A benefit for the San Francisco Late Night Coalition - a movement to keep our city's party environment open later for restaurant/bar owners and patrons. Last change: 05/25/04
Contains: 4 items. Viewed: 2509 times.
Album: Infuse: A Tribal Odyssey @ Kelly's Mission Rock - May 15-16, 2004 w/ HOUSE: Ellen Ferrato (2nd Sunday/Sugar)...M3 (Green Gorrila)...Fred Funk (The Brass Tax/)...Melyss (Sister SF / Mayonnaise PROGRESSIVE: Spesh (from Jondi & Spesh/Qool)...Jonathan Ojeda (Spundae) Dragn'fly (Shaolin / Love Tribe) Syd Gris (Opel/ Infuse)... Hoj (Opel / BREAKS: Laird (Get Yer Freak On)... Smoove (Space Cowboys / Opel) Tung (The Brass Tax)... Ben Chun (False - Profit), IKarus (Infinite Kaos) CHILL/DOWNTEMPO: Mx.D. (Bass City Rollers)... Tim Pratt (Opel/Garage Mahal)... Zack Darling (Decadence)... Swami (Raise the Frequency) ... Damien (The Community / Conexus) [ ALSO see the main infuse picture archives] [San Francisco Clubbing Pics @ Kelly's Mission Rock]Last change: 05/18/04
Contains: 93 items. Viewed: 8975 times.
Album: 29th Birthday Last change: 04/23/04
Contains: 30 items. Viewed: 4659 times.
Album: Miscellaneous This album is for photos that don't fit into any particular event or category. These are mostly pics that I create a link to on my blog ( or on my website ( Last change: 08/01/05
Contains: 7 items. Viewed: 2663 times.
Album: St. Patrick's Day Kell's on St. Patrick's Day '04 Last change: 03/19/04
Contains: 14 items. Viewed: 2986 times.
Album: Cormac's Party Cormac had another house party...and no one wore kilts! Last change: 03/19/04
Contains: 41 items. Viewed: 4052 times.
Album: Another Night on Polk Street Munir, Nini, Yuri and I got our drink on at Lush Lounge and The Cinch on Polk Street. Last change: 03/08/04
Contains: 19 items. Viewed: 2406 times.
Album: Lunch at the Ramp - 03/07/04 Rich, Eric, Nini, Chris (coincidentally) and I went to The Ramp on this beautiful San Franciscan March afternoon. Last change: 03/08/04
Contains: 21 items. Viewed: 2225 times.
Album: Julip Nini, Cormac, Jessi and Kat go out to Julip. Last change: 03/05/04
Contains: 29 items. Viewed: 3941 times.
Album: February Birthday Party The lovely Maggie invited me to a February birthday party on Saturday night. Hulahoops and fire were abundant! Last change: 02/11/04
Contains: 20 items. Viewed: 2355 times.
Album: A Night At Kell's Nini, Tracy, Chelle, Rich, Eric and Kat go to Kell's in Jackson Square...and get drunk. Last change: 02/07/04
Contains: 26 items. Viewed: 3713 times.
Album: SF-Vibe at Sublounge 01/09/03 Every 2nd Friday @ Sublounge
628 20th Street @ 3rd
San Francisco
The Girls (Funk Divas)
Chris & Chris, Melyss, J-Fi
The Boys (SF-Vibe)
Chad Mitchell, Todd Michael, Uncle Larry, Natty D
Every second Friday of the month, SF-Vibe makes beautiful music with the lovely Funk Diva's at the club voted BEST DANCE NIGHT CLUB by Bay Guardian Readers and BEST BAR, BEST CLUB and BEST NEW CLUB by SF Weekly. Featuring two floors full of sweet, sweet house music.
Last change: 01/31/04
Contains: 9 items. Viewed: 2140 times.
Album: Brownies For My Bitches - 12/30/03 Fawn, Gregg, Natalie and Kat go to Brownies For My Bitches at Harvey's in the Castro. We partied our asses off, even BEFORE New Year's Eve. We paid for it the next day, too. What a fun party for grrls on Tuesday nights!
Saratonin Melissa Disc Jerkey Wax Chef Chelsea Starr Last change: 04/05/06
Contains: 8 items. Viewed: 3269 times.
Album: Bar Hopping on Polk 01/07/03 A bunch of silly photos I took while out drinking with friends on Polk Street in San Francisco. Last change: 01/31/04
Contains: 53 items. Viewed: 4660 times.
Album: Amit's Visit 10/23/03 Amit's visit with Shai from Philly. He's not homophobic (surrrrrrrrre). Last change: 01/31/04
Contains: 12 items. Viewed: 3172 times.
Album: Castro Halloween Last change: 01/31/04
Contains: 66 items. Viewed: 9265 times.
Album: 1984 at the Cat Club 1984 on Thursday nights showcases the hits most memorable from the 1980s, pop and post-modern. Last change: 01/31/04
Contains: 17 items. Viewed: 2721 times.
Album: Rob's 35th Birthday Rob "the climbing man" Chang turned 35. Check out the dinner at Benihana and Club Whisper afterwards. Last change: 03/10/04
Contains: 37 items. Viewed: 3848 times.
Album: Hip-Hop Hanukah 2003 The annual Hip-Hop Hanukah in Berkeley is one of a kind...I'm pretty sure. Check it out! Come along next year! Last change: 01/31/04
Contains: 17 items. Viewed: 2613 times.