Album: Closing Party 2006 - 12/30/06
With 3 areas of sound featuring... Syd Gris (Opel / Opulent Temple) Clarkie (In Deep / Deep End) Aaron Pope (Deep End / Mixed Elements) Donna Matrix (Newsbreakz) Scottino (Fix) Mike Giannini ( Shanti (Triple Power) Nathan Vain (Opulent Temple) Zach Moore (In Deep/Gough Street Sessions) Ja Rod (In Deep) Navage (In Deep) + featuring the NOMAD NeuroWeapon Art Car playing outside, w/ DJ Dodge (NOMAD) TdUb (Tahoe Breakz) DJ sWiTcH (Tahoe Breakz, meta4music) Ron Lester (NOMAD) [CLICK to see the Opel Closing Party 2006 Pictures from mighty]